OREX Explore and experience OREX Explore and experience


Imagine worlds with stable telecommunication connectivity.
Imagine we will be linked together more.
And that makes more possibilities and opportunities for people.
We will be dreaming of better worlds, more.
We will be challenging more.
We will be creating more smiles.

Open RAN can make it all happen.
DOCOMO believes Open RAN is the next key technology.
We are the ones who are willing to explore.

OREX, DOCOMO’s new Open RAN service,
makes mobile networks the whole new experience.

We are finally ready for OREX.

About OREX®

OREX is DOCOMO's Open RAN service brand, developed in collaboration with multiple global vendors.
DOCOMO is the world's first mobile operator to provide large-scale 5G services using Open RAN.
Utilizing its communications technology, it will meet the unique challenges of each customer, helping to build a customized Open RAN system with optimal vRAN, software, and customer service.
OREX will continue to provide a "True Open RAN" in countries around the world to help people connect everywhere.

Offering “True Open RAN” to the world

DOCOMO provides Open RAN services to telecom operators worldwide.

Open RAN services OREX Packages

OREX Packages

OREX Packages

OREX Packages

”OREX Packages” contains 3 types of Open RAN services which provides the procurement and system integration required from adoption to operation for global telecom operators. It can be customized to address the unique challenges of each customer.


Virtualized radio base stations (CU/DU)
& Wireless equipment (RU)

Virtualized radio base stations & wireless equipment
Open RAN’s features allows us to combine various vendor products to create base stations that are highly cost-effective.


Software enabling autonomous
equipment operation

Software enabling autonomous equipment operation
OREX provides software developed by NTT Corporation to facilitate the efficient design, configuration and monitoring of wireless access networks, enabling autonomous and optimized device operation. “OREX SMO” is compliant with the standard specifications defined by the O-RAN ALLIANCE.

OREX services

Service suite required for
Open RAN adoption

>Service suite required for Open RAN adoptio
OREX RAN Services provide the procurement and system integration required for the adoption of “OREX RAN” and “OREX SMO”, as well as post-implementation operational support and maintenance. 

Highlighting OREX’ s Benefits

(Total cost of ownership)

Up to -30%

This is achieved by reducing the procurement cost of COTS servers, reducing the number of required devices by consolidating them, as well as reducing the electricity cost.


Up to -50%

This is achieved through the adoption of accelerators and COTS servers that use the latest semiconductors, and through the reduction of the required number through equipment consolidation.

Network design

Up to -50%

This is achieved through automating parameter design and setting operations in base station construction.


Feel free to contact us


Global Business,Network Department

Contact us here