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  • We announced the OREX ® service line up at MWC Las Vegas 2023

We announced the OREX® service line up at MWC Las Vegas 2023

Global Head of Open RAN at NTT DOCOMO, Sadayuki Abeta, gave a keynote speech titled "Empowering Mobile Operators: NTT DOCOMO's new Open RAN service" at the MWC Las Vegas 2023 (Sep. 26th~28th)

We will report to you, how the event went!

The weather in Las Vegas was perfect on opening day. The air was crisp under the clear sky, not a cloud in sight, and the white convention center stood there beautifully. We were very excited!!

After our baggage inspection and our digital passes were confirmed, we finally entered the venue!

Inside the spacious hall, various companies set up unique booths to promote their latest mobile-related devices and equipment.

Now, it was time for the OREX keynote speech! The event started with a relaxed atmosphere, with the audience chatting with each other over coffee and snacks.

The atmosphere in the venue changed when the moderator, David Nowicki, appeared and immediately captured the audience's attention. Each company's presentation began.
After the announcement of Open Ran Service Brand ”OREX” this year, we started receiving many inquiries from customers, especially mobile operators outside of Japan.

Some popular questions were “Where does DOCOMO stand in this?” and “What can OREX do?”

Given this, we always felt the need to clearly state DOCOMO's position and OREX's services.
We took this opportunity at MWC, an event that attracts attention in the mobile market, to once again present that “DOCOMO is an Open RAN provider” and explain the overview picture of OREX services, along with the benefits our customers will have when implementing it.

About the benefits that can be obtained by introducing OREX services.

During Abeta’s presentation, we saw many audiences taking notes, taking photos and transcribing our slides, demonstrating the high level of interest in Open RAN.

The outline of this presentation is based on the press release published by DOCOMO on the same day.
It touches on the features of SMO developed by NTT and the newly joined "OREX RU PARTNERS" in more detail.

Please take a look at the presentation.

With our moderator, Mr. David Nowicki

In addition to the presentation, Abeta was interviewed by various media and had fruitful discussions with analysts.

During the actual face-to-face interviews, the Q&A session became more active and engaging, making Abeta speak very passionately.

We hope to report further progress of OREX at MWC Barcelona 2024!
We will be working together with our partners, the global vendors, to spread Open RAN!
Please stay tuned for OREX!

*OREX is a trademark of NTT DOCOMO, INC.

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